In the store you will find luxurious silk and cashmere blends, classical cottons and exotic yarns like green tea or peppermmint.
I design unique yarns from highest quality fibers especially for you.
I search all over the world for unique fibers to make your weaving dreams come true.
We are working on getting regular in stock items listed in the shop, but in the meantime if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contac us.
We can arrange for your Louët items to ship worldwide, with the exception of North America, South Korea, Japan, and Switzerland for licensing reasons.
Barwniki do farbowania przędzy tkackiej
Weaving Yarns storage is the official distributor of the Louet brand.
The store's offer includes products necessary for manual carding, carding and combing wool.
Spindles, reels, winders and everything necessary for spinning.
If you need a product and it is not available in the store, please contact us.
About us